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Born in the Gower countryside

Hi, my name is Emma, and both I and Touch Botanicals were born in the beautiful Gower countryside – an Area of Natural Beauty in Wales. Gower is a gorgeous place when the sun is out, ragged and wild when the wind howls and the rain pours – and always it is beautiful. Growing up here, it’s hardly surprising I’ve always been interested in nature, flowers and plants since I was a little girl.

My Grans had a huge influence on my early years. Both were gardeners, growing an array of flowers, vegetables and herbs. l was entirely happy to trail them around the garden with endless chatter and questions – and of course, ‘helping’ where I could! And so too we would go off for walks to explore sea shores, woods, meadows and hedgerows, bringing back little treasures to make into all sorts of things on rainy days.

Skincare inspired by nature

Skincare inspired by nature

I began Touch Botanicals on our micro-farm in the heart of Gower – where I still love walking in the countryside, making things, gardening and growing vegetables, fruit and flowers.

The diversity of the flora and fauna inspires us to create fresh, natural, vegan skincare products using plants and botanicals from our garden and the countryside around us. We hope they remind you of carefree moments running down hills, woodland strolls, rolling down sand dunes, walks in wildflower meadows, cliff top sea breezes and sunny days on the beach.

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Handmade with love, passion and care

We grow many of the herbs and flowers we use as ingredients, and we source our organic ingredients locally wherever we can.

All our soaps are hand poured, each with their own design – be they au naturel, single colour or with swirled colours. We keep everything natural by using clays and botanicals for their wonderful tones – each soap design taking inspiration from the ingredients and the Gower countryside.

Our ingredients
Handmade with love, passion and care

Created with the environment in mind

Gower is beautiful, but some things have changed. Where once you could scrunch through seashells on the beaches, today you have to look for shells, sadly amongst the rubbish and plastic that’s washed ashore. Which is why Touch Botanicals uses environmentally friendly, recyclable and biodegradable wraps and packaging. No to plastic wrappers.

In our garden honey bees used to hum and dance from flower to flower – and at night lacewings and moths would swirl around the outside lights. We do still get a good number of bumblebees visiting our flowering plants, but not so many honey bees and other insects.

So, in a small way we’re taking steps to support our local wildlife, from wiggly worms and insects to birds and other wildlife. And we really hope to see hedgehogs back here one day. To do this we’re setting aside areas within our garden that won’t be harvested – allowing them to grow a little more wild, to give a little back in gratitude.

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